Michelle porter

I joined ReUnited CrossFit in September 2022. I have lost a total of 96 pounds and have gained confidence, strength and an entire community of friends and support.

I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in June of 2017 and my health took a rapid decline for several years and I put on over 100 pounds. This affected me mentally and physically. It was as if my life was spiraling out of control and all I could do was watch. I decided on my 51st birthday that enough was enough. I took control of my eating and decided to join ReUnited. I was really embarrassed, and scared. I thought I would be judged by everyone there. It was the exact opposite. I was welcomed with open arms, and always given modifications as if it were no big deal. I have fallen in love with CrossFit, and more so fallen in love with the community at ReUnited. I have made lifelong friends and feel so supported in my ongoing journey. 

I wanted to tell my story to encourage anyone who is on the fence about health and fitness or is shy or embarrassed- if I can do it, anyone can do it and I promise it is so worth it. 


Megan pilley


Sarah bond